MEP Case Studies (114 Projects)
- “Blue” Fishing Ports Investment Study
- Alcatel-Lucent Fishing Study, Baltic Sea
- Analysis of the Multi-Day Fishery in Sri Lanka
- Andros Marine Reserve
- Aquatic Resources Development and Conservation Study
- Atuabo Freeport Livelihood Restoration Plan
- Baseline Fisheries Data Collection
- Black Sea – Cetacean Study
- Bomu-Bonny Oil Pipeline Litigation – Expert Witness
- Building climate resilience for the fisheries sector in Liberia and Sierra Leone
- Cable Study – Gulf of Lions
- Capacity building and South-South cooperation to develop MCS for industrial and artisanal Fisheries
- Chilean hake stock and fishery analysis
- Chingetti Field Abandonment and Decommissioning Environmental Impact
- Climate Change Resilience
- Coastal Fleet Management Plan
- Commercial Fisheries Assessment for the Navitus Bay Wind Park
- Comprehensive marketing and strategy study for a seafood processing plant in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Comprehensive marketing and strategy study for a seafood processing plant in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Concept Note in Sri Lanka Review
- Convert the Surplus of Small-Scale Artisanal Fleet to Semi-Industrial Vessels
- Coral Triangle Network Initiative’s Marine Protected Area Network
- Development of a Deepwater Tuna and Pelagic Fishing Fleet in Oman
- Duqm Fisheries Industrial Zone (FIZ)
- Economic and Financial Feasibility Study of the Providence Fish Centre
- EU Organic Aquaculture Certifications
- Evaluation of the Indian Ocean yellowfin tuna stock
- Eyes on the Sea – Geo Tracing Technology
- FAD Deployment in Mozambique
- FAD Somalia
- Falkland Finfish Fisheries Review
- Feasibility Study for Southern Red Snapper
- Finfish Management Design and Economic Impact Assessment
- Fish Catch Survey – Ghana
- Fish Collector Vessels
- Fish Market Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design
- Fisheries and Post-Harvest Development
- Fisheries Challenge Fund – Benefits of the Inshore Fleet
- Fisheries Climate Change Adaptation
- Fisheries Liaison – Elmer flood and coastal erosion risk management scheme
- Fisheries Liaison Services
- Fisheries Management Project
- Fishing Port Development, Gujarat
- Follow-up of technical assistance and training for the SFP programme, Module 1
- Follow-up of technical assistance and training for the SFP programme, Module 1
- Formulation of CAPFISH programme’s support to Cambodia Fishing Communities’ Livelihoods
- Goodwin Sands Aggregate Extraction EIA
- Growth and Innovation in Ocean Economy – North Sea Basin Checkpoint
- ICCAT UK Delegate
- Implementation of a Fishing Vessel Social Improvement Program and Code of Conduct 2018
- IVth Fisheries Development Project
- Kenya Vessel Management System (VMS)
- London Array
- London Gateway Port
- Lydd Ranges Fisheries Liaison
- Mafia Island General Management Plan (GMP)
- Maldives Marina – Environmental Impact Assessment
- Mid Term Review of the Implementation of a Fisheries Management Plan for Lake Victoria
- MPA Investment Framework and Financing Strategy
- MPA Management Analysis
- NEAFC Redfish Observer
- Nexen FAD Project
- Nexen FAD Project
- Oceanic Fisheries Value-Chains Assessment
- Oman Coastal Fleet Management
- Oman FADs (Fish Aggregation Device)
- Optimisation of the fishery surveillance system through satellites
- Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre
- Piloting & promoting improved smoking ovens in West Africa (WARFP )
- Pole and Line Tuna Study
- Pontus Fishing Company
- Port Development Initial Environmental Evaluation (IEE)
- Re-assessment of Global Seafood Sustainability
- Risk Assessment of Industrial Fishing Interaction with Subsea Structures in Mauritania and Senegal
- Risky Seafood Business
- Role of Women in Fisheries
- Safety At Sea Analysis
- Sail Power Assisted Vessels
- Sail Power Assisted Vessels
- Saudi Arabia Market Study
- Scottish Shell Fish Industry Due Diligence
- Seabass/Bream Marketing Study
- SIEA 2018 Framework Contract Lot 1
- Sierra Leone freshwater fish species study
- Sofia Offshore Wind Farm – Compensation Strategy Specialist
- Sohar Port 2 – Implementing the Plan
- South Norway Cable Study
- Strengthening Fisheries Management in ACP countries – ACP Fish II
- Strengthening Fisheries Management in ACP countries – ACP Fish II
- Study to Improve Trawl Gear Selectivity in Malta
- Sustainability Fishery Performance Evaluation
- Sustainable Eel Group Standard Eco Label
- Sustainable Private Sector Development in Mozambique fisheries
- Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay
- Tonga Fisheries Infrastructure Investment Master Plan Study
- Training – SFP Small Scale Fisheries Module 4 2081
- Transparency Gap Analysis – Africa
- Transparency of Inland and Marine Fisheries
- Turkey, The Bosporus – Client, P&I Club
- UK Seafood Waste Valorisation Review
- UK Wave Hub
- Vth Phase Fisheries Surveillance Mauritania
- Wadden Sea – Sustainable Fisheries Study
- World Bank Regional Fisheries Program for Sierra Leone and Liberia
- WWF – Assessment of capture fisheries for European seafood network
- WWF Hong Kong, Seafood Guide Reassessment
- WWF re-assessment project
- Yemen integrated fish catch and processing plant
- Yemen LNG – Fish Nursery Baseline Study
- Yemen LNG – Vulnerable Groups Survey
- Yemeni 17 metre fishing boat
- YLNG FAD Project
- YLNG FAD Project
- Zanzibar Marine Conservation Areas (MCAs)